Friday, October 2, 2015

Elegy of Brothers(兄弟挽歌 Kyōdai Banka) by Koganezawa Shōji(小金沢昇司)

発売日: 20150522

義理が全ての この世界
辛さ悲しさ 厳しさを
二人乗り越え 耐えてきた
どんな試練が 来ようとも
夢に向かって 歩いてきたのさ…ララバイ
俺の命は 俺の命は 兄弟の命

好きな女も 居たけれど
自分勝手に 生きてきた
幸せやれず 捨ててきた
ガキの名前も 呼べないで
泣いてすがって 黙っていたのさ…ララバイ
俺の生き方 俺の生き方 虫けらの命

明日が見えない この稼業
意地を通して 我慢する
未練なんかは 無いけれど
友と涙と 喧嘩して
酒で全てを 流しているのさ…ララバイ
俺の人生 俺の人生 柵(しがらみ)の命

Utamei: Kyōdai Banka
Uta: Koganezawa Shōji
Kashi: Koganezawa Shōji
Sakkyoku: Koganezawa Shōji
Hatsubaibi: 5/22/2015
Reko-do gaisha: Kingu Reko-do

Giriga subeteno kono sekai
Tsurasa kanashisa kibishisawo
Futari norikoe taetekita
Don'na shirenga koyōtomo
Yumemi mukatte aruite kitanosa... rarabai
Oreno inochiwa oreno inochiwa kyōdaino inochi

Sukina on'namo itakeredo
Jibunkatteni ikitekita
Shiawase yarezu sutetekita
Gakino namaemo yobenaide
Naite sugatte damatte itanosa... rarabai
Oreno ikikata oreno ikikata mushikerano inochi

Asuga mienai kono kagyō
Ijiwo tōshite gamansuru
Miren nankawa naikeredo
Tomoto namidato kenkashite
Sakede subetewo nagashite irunosa... rarabai

Oreno jinsei oreno jinsei shigaramino inochi

Song Name: Elegy of Brothers
Singer: Koganezawa Shōji
Lyrics: Koganezawa Shōji
Composer: Koganezawa Shōji
Release Date: 5/22/2015
Record Label: King Record Co., Ltd.

A sense of duty is everything in this world
The hardship, sorrowfulness, the severity
Both of us beared and overcame all that
No matter what trials came our way
We walked towards our dreams... lullaby
My life is my life is my brother's life

Though I had a woman I liked
I lived selfishly
I couldn't give her happiness and so I left her behind
Unable to even call out my kid's name
I cried, leaned on, then stayed silent.. lullaby
My way of living, my way of living, the life of worms

I can't see tomorrow, this business
I force my will and bear it
Though I don't have any regrets
I fought against my friend and my tears
I wash everything away with sake... lullaby
My life, my life, the life of bonds

Please click the above picture to purchase the CD including a recording of this song from

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