Monday, September 28, 2015

A Man's Journey(男の旅路 Otokono Tabiji) by Aoto Ken(青戸健)

作詞: 志賀大介
作曲: 宮下健治
発売日: 20150520

見える傷には 泣かないが
見えない傷に 泣かされる
ふるさとの 土の匂いが恋しいよ
帰りたくても 帰れない
すまないな すまないな
花に詫びてる 男の旅路

痛さ深さは 違っても
傷には傷の 顔がある
思い出に 濡れる目頭その先に
母によく似た あかね雲
遠ざかる 遠ざかる
月日指折る 男の旅路

俺が作った 俺の傷
死ぬまで俺は 抱いて行く
もう一度 胸に希望の灯を点(とも)
そうさ一から 出直そう
いつの日か いつの日か
帰る日が来る 男の旅路

Utamei: Otokono Tabiji
Uta: Aoto Ken
Kashi: Shiga Daisuke
Sakkyoku: Miyashita Kenji
Hatsubaibi: 05/20/2015
Reko-do gaisha: Tokuma Japan Komyunike-shonzu

Mieru kizuniwa nakanaiga
Mienai kizuni nakasareru
Furusatono tsuchino nioiga koishi'iyo
Kaerutakutemo kaerenai
Sumanaina sumanaina
Hanani wabiteru otokono tabiji

Itasa fukasawa chigattemo
Kizuniwa kizuno kaoga aru
Omoideni nureru megashira sono sakini
Hahani yoku nita akanekumo
Tōzakaru tōzakaru
Tsukihi yubi oru otokono tabiji

Orega tsukutta oreno kizu
Shinumade orewa daite yuku
Mō ichido muneni kibōno akariwo tomoshi
Sōsa ichikara denaosō
Itsuno hika itsuno hika

Kaeru higa kuru otokono tabiji

Song Name: A Man's Journey
Singer: Aoto Ken
Lyrics: Shiga Daisuke
Composer: Miyashita Kenji
Release Date: 05/20/2015
Record Label: Tokuma Japan Communications Co., Ltd.

Though I won't cry from the visible scars
The invisible scars make me cry
I yearn for the scent of the home town earth
Even if I want to go back, I can't go back
I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Apologizing to a flower, a man's journey

Even if the amount of pain and depth are different
Each scar has its own face
Memories cause the inner corner of my eyes to well up, beyond that
The rosy cloud that looks just like my mother
Moving farther away, moving farther away
Counting the days past with my fingers, a man's journey

The scars I made myself
I will carry to my grave
Once more I light the light of hope in my chest
Yes, that's right, let's restart anew
Some day some day
The day I go back home will come, a man's journey

Please click the above picture to purchase the CD including a recording of this song from

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