Sunday, August 16, 2015

Crying Alone(ひとり涙 Hitori Namida) by Mikado Chūji(三門忠司)

作詞: 志賀大介
作曲: 岡千秋
発売日: 2015722

生きてここまで これたのは
運がよかった だけのこと
人に誇れる ものなど無いが
酒を相手の この止り木が
そこそこ様に なってきた
ひとり涙の 通り雨

どんな時代に なったって
義理と人情は 外せない
嘘をついたら 死ぬ迄泣くと
云った親父の あの横顔が
まぶたをよぎる 時がある
ひとり涙の 偲び雨

もっとこまわり 利いてたら
別な生き方 あったろうに
いつも時計が 回った後で
それと気づいて ふとにが笑い
おもいで滲む 路地灯り
ひとり涙の はぐれ雨

Utamei: Hitori Namida
Uta: Mikado Chūji
Kashi: Shiga Daisuke
Sakkyoku: Oka Chiaki
Hatsubaibi: 7/22/2015
Reko-do gaisha: Teichiku Entateinmento

Ikite kokomade koretanowa
Unga yokatta dakeno koto
Hitoni hokoreru mononado naiga
Sakewo aiteno kono tomarigiga
Sososoko samani nattekita
Hitori namidano tōriame

Don'na jidaini nattatte
Girito ninjōwa hazusenai
Usowo tsuitara shinumade nakuto
Itta oyajino ano yokogaoga
Mabutawo yogiru tokiga aru
Hitori namidano shinobi ame

Motto komawari ki'itetara
Betsuna ikikata attarouni
Itsumo tokeiga mawatta atode
Soreto kidzuite futo nigawarai
Omoide nijimu rojiakari

Hitori namidano hagure ame

Song Name: Crying Alone
Singer: Mikado Chūji
Lyrics: Shiga Daisuke
Composer: Oka Chiaki
Release Date: 7/22/2015
Record Label: Teichiku Entertainment, Inc.

I was able to live on this long because
I was lucky, that's all
Though I don't have anything I can be proud of
This seat with sake as my partner
Gradually I feel like I belong here
Crying alone, passing rain

No matter if the times change
I can't let go of my duties and sentiments
If I lie I will cry until I die
The side face of my father who said those words
There are times when it crosses my eyelids
Crying alone, creeping rain

If I could move around a bit more
There must have been a cleverer way to live
Always after the clock has moved
I realize this and inadvertently laugh bitterly
My memories blur alley lights
Crying alone, stray rain

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