Saturday, August 15, 2015

Nostalgic Man's Umbrella(望郷おとこ笠 Bōkyou Otoko Gasa) by Mikado Chūji(三門忠司)

作詞: 志賀大介
作曲: 岡千秋
発売日: 2015722

風に転がる 落ち葉の果ては
どうせ浮き世の 吹き溜まり
俺のあしたを 見るようで
ふっとそらした この目の先に
いろはもみじの 赤城山
追分ひと節 望郷おとこ笠

母という字を この手のひらに
なんど書いたろ 詫びたろう
行けば真っ直ぐ 行けたのに
拗ねて曲がった この脇道が
今じゃ似合いの 旅がらす
追分ひと節 望郷おとこ笠

何処で生きても いのちは一つ
枯れりゃ路傍(ろぼう)の 石になる
通り雨には 泣かないが
三日しぐれりゃ わらじの紐が
濡れてあしたが 遠くなる
追分ひと節 望郷おとこ笠

Utamei: Bōkyou Otoko Gasa
Uta: Mikado Chūji
Kashi: Shiga Daisuke
Sakkyoku: Oka Chiaki
Hatsubaibi: 7/22/2015
Reko-do gaisha: Teichiku Entateinmento

Kazeni korogaru ochibano hatewa
Douse ukiyono fukidamari
Oreno ashitawo miruyoude
Futto sorashita kono meno sakini
Iroha momijino Akagiyama
Oiwake hitofushi bōkyou otoko gasa

Hahato iu jiwo kono teno hirani
Nando kaitaro wabitarou
Ikeba massugu iketanoni
Sunete magatta kono wakimichiga
Imaja naino tabigarasu
Oiwake hitofushi bōkyou otoko gasa

Dokode ikitemo inochiwa hitotsu
Karerya robouno ishininaru
Tōriameniwa nakanaiga
Mikka shigurerya warajino himoga
Nurete ashitaga tōkunaru

Oiwake hitofushi bōkyou otoko gasa

Song Name: Nostalgic Man's Umbrella
Singer: Mikado Chūji
Lyrics: Shiga Daisuke
Composer: Oka Chiaki
Release Date: 7/22/2015
Record Label: Teichiku Entertainment, Inc.

In the end, the fallen leaves that blow around in the wind
End up in a drift of this fleeting world after all
It's as if I am watching my tomorrow
Just in front of my eyes that I abruptly diverted
Was the Akagi Mountain covered in Acer palmatum
A horse driver's song, nostalgic man's umbrella

The word mother on this palm
How many times did it write it, did I apologize
If I wanted to, I could have taken the straight path
But I pouted and took this winding side path
And now, I am used to this wandering lifestyle
A horse driver's song, nostalgic man's umbrella

No matter where I live I only have one life to live
If it dies, it turns into a roadside stone
Though I won't cry when passing rain falls on me
If it rains for three days in a row, the strings of the waraji
Gets wet and tomorrow moves farther away
A horse driver's song, nostalgic man's umbrella

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