Saturday, August 22, 2015

Kurenai Harumi(紅晴美)

Kurenai Harumi(紅晴美) was the youngest of four siblings of a family who lived in a coal-mining town. She moved to Tokyo after she graduated from high school.

In 1983, she married and divorced her husband soon afterwards. A year lafter, she married a man seven years younger than her. They have a son and a daughter together and currently reside in Saitama Prefecture.

In 1994, she met a composer through her daughter's friend's acquaintance. She entered various singing competitions around this time and won eight of those contests.

In 2009, she made her debut with a major record label with the single "The Promontory of Tears(涙の岬 Namidano Misaki)."

This blog post translates information from the Wikipedia article 紅晴美 which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.

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