Thursday, September 3, 2015

Akiyoshi Mami(秋吉真実)

Akiyoshi Mami(秋吉真実) had used the stage name Chiaki Mami(ちあき まみ), but changed it to Akiyoshi Mami(秋吉真実) after switching her recording company to Nippon Crown Co., Ltd.

She entered and won singing contests ever since she was three years old. In 2006, she made her professional debut with VAP Inc. singing the song "He Broke up with Me(ふられちゃったよ Furarechattayo)." She switched recording companies to Nippon Crown in 2011.

She has won the Japanese Singers' Association(日本歌手協会 Nihon Kashu Kyōkai)'s Newcomer's Award in 2007 and the Japanese Composers' Association(日本作曲家協会 Nihon Sakkyokka Kyōkai)'s First Musical Festival Award.

This blog post translates information from the Wikipedia article 秋吉真実 which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.

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